Embark on an exciting journey into Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People and my home for the next year! I will be adding my new observations and perspective of student life at Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem, Israel. Enjoy the ride!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

2 Weeks To Go...

I had a fabulous weekend. My roommates and I finally had a party at our condo to celebrate the end of our lease on Friday night, and I went to Santa Barbara on Saturday night for Fiesta. Our party was fun, although expensive for us! We decided to have the theme "I'm a big kid now," which basically meant you had to dress up like what you wanted to be when you were a kid. Ironically, I dressed up like a Salsa dancer, or Mexican senorita, neither of which I have ever aspired to be. Anyway, my friend (and fellow Otzmanik) walked into the party with a Homer Simpson mask that covered his head completely. I was a little freaked out until I realized who it was, and then I thought his costume kicked ass! Shana (my co-worker and great friend) dressed up like an archaeologist, and brought this cute little bucket filled with dinosaurs and dots candy. We had an ice luge, and a keg, and everyone ended up hanging out on the roof chatting and drinking. Good times, and a great way to end our lease!
Saturday in Santa Barbara was amazing! I tend to forget just how beautiful the mountains and the beach in Santa Barbara are, and am reminded every time I venture back to visit. This particular time I went to celebrate Fiesta, where the whole downtown is covered with drunk party-goers smashing eggs filled with confetti over each other's heads. Who was I to not partake in this tradition? I met all my college buddies and we did what we do best: drink! We ate, drank, and danced the night away all while smashing eggs and reminiscing about our times together in SB. I really had a hard time saying good bye to all of them, even though I only see them every so often. I stayed with my girlfriend Galeet, who I haven't seen enough since she returned from Israel, and we ate "orgasm bread" after we got back from downtown. So good. I miss SB terribly, but I know I can always go back.
I leave officially two weeks from today. I am starting to get a bit nostalgic. I work three days this week, and I am moving out of my apartment on Thursday. I am not freaking out the same way I did when I left Santa Barbara, but the move still feels bittersweet. This was a great year for growth, and I know I am only going on to grow more in the next year, but I am still sad to leave.


Esther said...

Wow! You are definitely doing it right with your good-bye parties. Glad you're having so much fun! But don't worry, you will have plenty to do in Israel to keep your mind off things here. LOTS of eye candy in both the scenery and male varieties. :)

Your blog is doing great! I see you figured out how to do a link. Awesome. Definitely add stuff to your links that you want to be able to access easily when you're in Israel. That way you don't have to keep a list of URL addresses with you. One more week! You must be freakin'!!!! In a good way, of course.

Esther said...

One more thing... I'm writing that you're doing this on my blog (telling them about this great program you're doing!), so if you end up getting strangers dropping by and commenting, they might be my peeps. ;)